Exeter, venue tbc
When identification with the small sense of self drops away, what remains is the spacious heart that is connected with all things. Jack Kornfield
Explore the wisdom of the heart, long acknowledged by spiritual and wisdom traditions and now supported by neuro-cardiological research. When authentic ‘positive’ emotions are felt, ‘heart coherence’ develops. This means there is an enhanced heart-mind-body connection and heart intelligence grows characterised by:
- We see from a larger perspective – challenges become learning opportunities;
- We gain a greater sense of resilience and well-being;
- We develop the capacity to be caring and courageous both for ourselves and others;
- And are able to find the most loving thing to do for all involved (humans, non-humans and the earth) in any given situation.
As well as learning about the concepts and research, practices will be introduced that help to develop heart coherence. There will be conversations about what ‘living with heart’ means and its central role in balancing the needs of the individual with the collective.
Cost: Sliding scale £30 (Benefits/low incomes) to £80 (high income/employer sponsored)/employer sponsored)
For more information and to book contact Gill Wyatt- gillwyatt@creatingsynergies.com or Telephone: 07806 623311
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