10.00 to 16.00
Exeter, venue tbc
Come and find out about Dialogue and learn how different it is from ordinary discussion. It’s a conversation with ‘a centre’ rather than ‘with sides’. This means instead of enhancing polarisation it creates opportunities to explore differences and to learn new ways of thinking together, that aligns values with actions. Einstein told us problems cannot be solved with the same thinking that created the problems – dialogue achieves this ‘new thinking’ – so very needed given the complex dilemmas currently facing our world.
During the day we’ll explore the meaning of David Bohm’s ‘pervasive nature of thought as a system’ and how it causes fragmentation; learn how to deepen our listening; inquire into personal beliefs and cultural assumptions; learn how to suspend them; and to connect rather than fragment.
Through practice, the group will have the opportunity for new wise collective thinking to emerge, as the group learns to work together to generate shared meanings within the conversational space.
Cost: Sliding scale £30 (Benefits/low incomes) to £80 (high income/employer sponsored)
For more information and to book contact Gill Wyatt, gillwyatt@creatingsynergies.com, 07806 623311
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